Thames Vision 2050
30th March 2022 / Posted by Susannah WilksCRP partner the Port of London Authority (PLA) has released the draft of its Thames Vision 2050 for consultation.
The consultation document and other information is on this webpage.
CRP is especially looking forward to continuing to work with the PLA on its Trading Thames theme. The PLA are one of the 10 partners involved in CRP’s latest Defra-funded programme – Clean Air Logistics for London (CALL). Shifting more freight deliveries into central London from road to river will have great Air Quality improvement benefits, and using zero emission cargo bikes, electric vehicles and walking freight for the last miles will help too.
The Vision consultation will close on Saturday, 30 April 2022 at midday. Feedback can be submitted via the online survey (you can find it at the end of the Vision webpage), by email, or letter, should you prefer.
There will be several public consultation events – details on the webpage above.
CRP looks forward to working with the PLA and other London partners to implement this exciting vision over the coming years.