TfL Freight Forum
24th April 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamOn 31st March CRP’s Vicky Keeble attended the TfL Freight Forum, attended by London boroughs, logistics operators and industry bodies.
The event provided an update from TfL and the Mayors’ Transport Strategy (due for consultation later this year) and discussion on the review of the London Lorry Control Scheme, led by London Councils. The forum also considered how current best practice, like the projects that CRP are delivering with our partners, can be ‘industrialised’ or scaled up to tackle traffic congestion across London. Influencing customer/end user demand was a recurrent theme, as this was seen as being the major limiting factor for logistics operators being able to change their operations and business model. CRP has developed tools aimed at educating businesses and consumers including www.clickcollect.london and New West End Company’s www.westendbuyersclub.london.
For more information on the event, and CRP’s freight work, contact Vicky Keeble vickykeeble@crossriverpartnership.org