TfL Cargo Bike Guidance

9th August 2024 / Posted by Guillaume Strebelle

Freight is the lifeblood of London’s economy, underpinning industries from retail and hospitality to healthcare and construction. Transport for London (TfL) produces publications for the freight industry including strategy documents, guidance, case studies as well as advice on creating Construction Logistics Plans. 

To support businesses and London boroughs to navigate freight challenges, TfL provides a comprehensive set of resources on their freight webpage. These resources are designed to help businesses optimise their operations and align with the city’s sustainability goals. Here, businesses can access toolkits and guidance documents that offer practical advice on best practices for freight and servicing. 

Among the resources available, the Cargo Bike Action Plan, and the Cargo Bike Operations Guide promote the growth of cargo bikes and help cut carbon emissions in the capital. Additionally, the webpage offers data-driven tools such as Freight Data Reports.   

By providing these resources, TfL supports businesses in meeting their freight needs while contributing to a cleaner, safer, and more efficient London. 

To find out if they have other documents on any subject listed on this webpage, email