Oxford Street West Report
19th June 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamCRP has completed a piece of research, on behalf of Westminster City Council, New West End Company and TfL, on delivery and servicing activities in the Oxford Street West (OSW) district. This research report is set against the backdrop of growing concerns about poor air quality, traffic congestion and the impact of freight vehicles. Based on our extensive first-hand research it suggests a cornucopia of policy and practical recommendations to direct London’s future freight patterns.
The objective was to understand how delivery and servicing to businesses currently operates and to identify actions that stakeholders can take to ensure the OSW district remains great for businesses, visitors and residents. On-street observations alongside discussions with hundreds of businesses led to CRP gathering detailed information on current behaviours. It enabled us to identify a number of recommendations which are being fed in to consultation on the Oxford Street Transformation.
The recommendations range from implementation of shared supplier schemes such as the West End Buyers Club; and use of Click. Collect. Clean Air. to help redirect personal deliveries outside the city. CRP have also recommended actions that will reduce the negative impacts of freight including education on anti-idling, particular in cold weather when particulate filters are less efficient.
For more information contact Amandeep Kellay amandeepkellay@crossriverpartnership.org or Vicky Keeble vickykeeble@crossriverpartnership.org