New FREVUE partner BREYTNER deploys 19 tonne electric trucks in Rotterdam
19th July 2016 / Posted by CRP TeamOn 27 June BREYTNER Zero Emission Transport launched operations with two 19 tonne trucks in Rotterdam. The trucks are fully electric and will be re-charged using solar energy, making them a truly zero emission delivery option for urban distribution. “We view the air quality issue as a challenge, not as an obstacle. This position has made us successful and has helped us develop, together with our clients, this clean solution.” says Marie-José Baartmans, director at BREYTNER.
BREYTNER offer their services for business to business and business to consumer deliveries. In their hub concept a modular system of swap bodies is driven two or three at a time from a national/regional distribution centre to city boundaries or those of low emission zones. Here the sealed swap bodies are parked and driven into the inner city one by one by fully electric truck.
The FREVUE (Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe) project is an urban e-mobility project supported by the European Commission. For further information please contact CRP’s FREVUE Co-ordinator, Tanja Dalle-Muenchmeyer, on tdmuenchmeyer@westminster.co.uk