Net Zero Festival 2021
27th September 2021 / Posted by Ross PhillipsNet Zero Festival returns this year from Wednesday 29th September – Friday 1st October, with a host of exciting speakers from climate scientists, politicians, strategic agency and private sector leaders. This year takes on added importance, with COP26 soon taking place in the UK, highlighting the importance of sustainability, net zero and air quality in our future.
Through CRP’s Clean Air Villages 4 programme, we are supporting local authorities,
Business Improvement Districts, businesses, and arts, culture and community organisations, with their delivery of net zero targets. This support is particularly geared towards the freight and logistics sector, by improving the efficiency and minimising the impact of deliveries on air quality through consolidating suppliers, exploring micro-consolidation hubs and implementing zero emission last mile solutions such as cargo bikes and electric vehicles.
It looks set to be a great event and we are excited to see the action that comes out of this towards achieving net zero in the UK.
For more information, please contact Senior Project Officer Ross Phillips.