Lighting scheme to promote walking in Southwark switches on!
22nd May 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamThrough the Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP), Cross River Partnership (CRP) has delivered an innovative project to promote walking in Southwark.
CRP, the London Borough of Southwark, Southwark Living Streets, and the Newington Estate Residents Association have worked together to design and install a colourful, dynamic lighting scheme at the Steadman Street entrance of the Newington Estate. This project builds on CRP’s pioneering work using lighting to overcome railway viaduct barriers to walking and movement, the Light at the End of the Tunnel.
This new lighting scheme is part of a broader initiative in the area called Walk Elephant and is designed to enliven the space and to promote walking. The lighting scheme has been designed to encourage walking between bus connections on Walworth Road and Kennington tube station. CRP is using Transport for London’s Healthy Streets checklist to measure the impact of the intervention and to gauge qualitative feedback.
The lighting is now switched on and ready for everyone to experience!
For more information please get in touch with Jane Overington, CRP’s Place Making Project Officer at janeoverington@crossriverpartnership.org