Success at Lighting Consultation Event
25th October 2019 / Posted by CRP TeamCross River Partnership held an extremely successful and productive Lighting Consultation Event on 25th September 2019, attended by 50 delegates from London’s transport and public authorities, as well as designers, architects, engineers, artists, and attractions.
The full PDF event presentation slides are here.
Huge thanks to University of Westminster, Speirs and Major, the Illuminated River Foundation and the Greater London Authority for giving such insightful presentations.
Also thank you to the City of London Corporation, Centre for London and Central for facilitating the three detailed discussion groups that took place, on: A shared vision for lighting; Who is responsible for lighting; and The benefits of lighting, including how they can be delivered.
Please see here for Key Recommendations from Cross River Partnership (CRP).
CRP anticipates that we will together refine our approach following the outcomes from Friday’s national Historic England Lighting Conference.
CRP looks forward to working collaboratively to formalise next steps on lighting for the overall benefit of London.
Please contact Susannah Wilks to find out more.