Heart of London Business Alliance Deliveries Update

26th March 2018 / Posted by CRP Team

Coming to the end of a full year of delivery on the Heart of London Deliveries & Wastes programme, CRP is proud to have to delivered with and on behalf of the BID:


  • Assessment and selection of 3 preferred suppliers; Anglo for office suppliers and WCC and Paper Round for commercial waste services;
  • Held two events:  The Clean Air Launch event on May 23rd 2017  and a Drop-in workshop for businesses to meet preferred suppliers on 13th February 2018;
  • Secured additional funding of £42,400 from TfL for a waste consolidation programme in Leicester Square to reduce vehicle movements in central London;
  • Supported Westminster City Council/Veolia’s introduction of on-street coffee cup recycling, leading the way in The West End;
  • Engaged with 100 different businesses in the Heart of London area;
  • Produced an animated video for recycle week with a reach of over 250 views.


For more information on CRP’s wider deliveries, waste and sustainability programmes and services contact vickykeeble@crossriverpartnership.org