Healthy Streets for London Event
27th March 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamHealthy Streets for London Event
Cross River Partnership, alongside some of London’s leading place shapers and transport experts, attended Transport for London’s (TfL’s) healthy streets workshop on 17 March.
The event showcased TfL’s Healthy Streets approach to transport and the importance of staying active every day.
Deputy Mayor Val Shawcross in her opening address highlighted that 6.5 million door-to-door trips are made in London each day however the experience of walking on London’s streets can be poor and too many Londoners face barriers to walking. Adding to this, the demand for accessible streets will continue to rise as our population grows.
Many of the guest presenters recognised that the majority of top causes of illness relate to inactivity and that the best way to incorporate activity into our daily life is through our commute.
There are also great economic benefits to be gained from a pedestrian and cycling friendly city – did you know people who walk compared to cars spend 65% more in shops?
It was inspiring to hear about the steps that Paris and New York City have already taken to make their cities sustainable, vibrant, healthy, green, and fairer.
London is the best city in the world and together the aim is to make London the best city in the world for walking.
In the words of our Walking and Cycling Commissioner Will Norman – ‘walking is not pedestrian!’
For more information please contact Transport Project Officer, Jane Overington at janeoverington@crossriverpartnership.org