“Greening out the Grey” – New CRP Report
17th August 2021 / Posted by Fiona CoullCRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday programme has launched a new guidance document: “Greening out the Grey”: The value of Green Infrastructure for People and Places.
The guidance aims to build the case for more green infrastructure to be implemented across the capital, focussing specifically on the benefits and costs of integrating green infrastructure as part of our cities.
It also aims to demonstrate the value of using greening to improve air quality, enable climate adaptation (particularly through heat resilience, air quality and flooding), and act as a tool to improve physical and mental wellbeing through initiatives such as green social prescribing.
Finally, the report provides several recommendations to enhance and improve the use of green infrastructure as a climate mitigation strategy, and to help identify and quantify the wider impacts that green spaces have on the population of cities.
You can read the full report here.
CRP and partners are extremely grateful to the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund for making this Guidance Document possible.
For further information about Healthy Streets Everyday or the Greening Guidance report, please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.