Freight TAILS in Maastricht
22nd May 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamLast week we were very pleased to be joined by representatives of CRP members Westminster City Council, London Borough of Southwark, City of London Corporation and Transport for London at our Freight TAILS network meeting in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Attendees explored the freight- focussed topics of micro-consolidation, e-cargo bikes, waste, and HORECA (hotels, restaurants, and catering); led by our network experts Ian Wainwright and Philip Stein.
The network also considered our progress at this mid-point in the project. We were joined by funder representatives who were impressed with the detailed discussions and focus of the network.
Freight TAILS is a network of 10 European cities focused on improving the impact of urban freight transport. Please contact Charlotte Knell, CRP Project Manager for more details: charlotteknell@crossriverpartnership.org.
Freight TAILS is co-funded by ERDF through the URBACT III programme.