Freight TAILS: Focus on Integration
12th December 2016 / Posted by CRP TeamCRP’s Freight TAILS network of 10 European cities has turned its attention to the topic of urban freight transport and ‘integration’.
Over the next few months we will be exploring both how freight transport is integrated alongside other urban mobility considerations; and how urban freight transport is taken into account alongside broader discussions about our urban environment, economy and community.
Freight TAILS cities are busy talking to local stakeholders to understand their views on this theme of ‘integration’, and we will exchange this knowledge and experience, identify good practice and help resolve challenges at our next Freight TAILS meeting in Parma, Italy on 1-2 February 2017.
If you would like to feed in your thoughts on this topic, please contact CRP Project Manager, Charlotte Knell cknell1@westminster.gov.uk.
Freight TAILS is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund, through the URBACT programme.