Freight Business Research

12th December 2016 / Posted by CRP Team

Oxford Street is one of the most iconic shopping destinations in the world. However, it is also one of the most polluted streets, with a significant proportion of toxic NO2 emissions caused by delivery and servicing (freight) vehicles. CRP are working with Westminster City Council and New West End Company to monitor current levels of deliveries and servicing to businesses and in order to gain a better understanding of the issues facing Oxford Street, CRP team members took to the street in rain and shine to observe some of the deliveries taking place.

The results confirmed some of our suspicions insofar as many deliveries are occurring in the key rush hour period and vehicles are generally only delivering one parcel at a time – there is definitely room for improvement!

Building on our observational research, the CRP team began to approach businesses to better understand their individual practices. Although time consuming (and at times rather cold!), discussing delivery needs with individual businesses has proven to be the best way to get useful and reliable data. With a number of surveys now completed the CRP team  are working with partners on how to use these findings to reduce freight in the area and improve air quality on Oxford Street.

CRP will be reporting findings back to Westminster City Council, New West End Company, Transport for London, West End Business Improvement Districts, businesses and residents via the West End Partnership cross-sector Freight Group, chaired by Steven Medway of New West End Company.