Draft London Plan

11th December 2017 / Posted by CRP Team

The new draft London Plan has been released for public consultation until Friday 2nd March 2018:


The major themes of this strategy for London, align closely to the Mayor’s vision ‘A City for All Londoners’ covering six policies for Good Growth

  • Building strong and inclusive communities

Enhance valued services; bind existing and new communities and promote active and healthy lives, increase public toilet access and ensuring a healthy streets approach

  • Making best use of land

Intensification (in the right places) with colocation; protection of the green belt and retaining the distinct character of London; attractive and cherished

  • Creating a healthy city

Improving health outcomes; increasing active travel; bringing London national park status and reducing air pollution

  • Delivering the homes Londoners need

66,000 new homes are needed per year, the Mayor will support boroughs to meet increased targets for use of small sites for homes, and ensure affordability

  • Growing a good economy

All Londoners to share in London’s economic success, with a focus on the night time economy; promoting high specification offices; digital technology and sector growth to ensure London’s continued global participation

  • Increasing efficiency and resilience

Mitigating and adapting to climate change; protecting business and residents; minimising waste to landfill and ensuring efficient use of water 


Cross River Partnership and the Association of Town and City Management will co-host a seminar in January 2018 for London-based Business Improvement Districts plus London boroughs to coordinate a collaborative response to the draft London Plan.   Further details will follow shortly.

For more information or to pre-register please contact Vicky Keeble vickykeeble@crossriverpartnership.org