Draft Environment SPD now Open for Consultation
24th May 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamIn September 2019, Westminster City Council (WCC) announced a Climate Emergency and set the ambition for the council to be carbon neutral by 2030, with the whole city to follow suit by 2040. The City of Westminster is unique in that 86% of its emissions come from the built environment, a much higher proportion compared to other areas across the country. Having an up to date, ambitious and robust planning policy is a critical next step to achieving net zero across the city.
Last week, WCC launched the consultation on the draft Environmental Supplementary Planning Document (ESPD) as part of their ambitious programme to deliver on climate emergency commitments. The ESPD provides further detail and guidance on the City Plan’s environment policies, supporting our aspirations to create a greener, cleaner and healthier city.
The ESPD will help ensure that WCC drive emissions reductions and wider environmental sustainability through the city’s built environment. WCC will be holding a series of consultation events over the coming weeks focusing on the topics covered in the charters of the ESPD. The consultation draft of the ESPD is available here and the consultation is open for six weeks, until 28th June 2021, with an opportunity to send responses to the consultation.
Send a response to the consultation – planningpolicy@westminster.gov.uk