CRP’s Spotlight On: Team London Bridge
19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamThis week, we are showcasing the work of CRP BID partner Team London Bridge and their new five year plan for the area.
Team London Bridge launched their five-year business plan for 2021-26 last week. The organisation has been managing the Business Improvement District (BID) for the London Bridge area since 2006 and will be asking their BID members to vote between 25 January and 25 February as to whether they will continue funding the additional services outlined, in the ‘Our London Bridge’ proposal. The signs are positive, even in this extraordinary time, as Team London Bridge has strong local support and a track record of delivering projects that make a tangible different to the business community.
The vision for the area over the coming five years is to make London Bridge one of the most sustainable, culturally innovative and compelling places for business and tourism in the world. No small task, but to achieve this Team London Bridge is giving the community six commitments:
- Provide added resilience to future social and economic shocks
- Make London Bridge part of a Carbon Zero Southwark by 2030
- Make London Bridge a ‘front stage’ for London culture
- Make London Bridge the most enjoyable, safe, and convenient place to work in London
- Make a green and healthy street environment that puts walking and cycling first, providing an exemplar for London
- Make London Bridge the premier location for responsible businesses and ethically conscious employees
Of course, we still have a long way to go to emerge from the chaos caused by the pandemic, but many are seeing BIDs as a key mechanism for local areas to respond and build robust plans to adjust to the continually changing economic environment. With the help of members and partners, Team London Bridge is confident that their sustainable, socially responsible project delivery will galvanise the area over coming months and provide a catalyst for businesses to return to central London with enthusiasm and confidence.