CRP’s Reflections on COP27
18th November 2022 / Posted by Susannah Wilks“We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.”
This is the sobering opening statement from Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General at the opening of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh.
Nobody can doubt the seriousness of the situation. Everybody can play their part in trying to fix it.
CRP continues to blaze a trail as a Climate Champion, launching its most recent behaviour change tool this week – Sustainable Steps. This is a business-facing tool to encourage better practices that make environmental as well as economic sense.
At a more local level, CRP is removing polluting traffic from the streets of Brixton via a Micro Consolidation Hub supported by Impact on Urban Health and Brixton BID. Look out for PedalMe cargo bikes making clean deliveries to Brixton businesses!
CRP has also this week supported collaborative trans-national funding applications that are all about Driving Urban Transitions – watch this space!
Our congratulations go to Federated Hermes Limited and Finance Earth on their appointment as managers for the Big Nature Impact Fund. As per the announcement from COP27 on 17th November, this is ”a new public-private fund for nature in the UK which will unlock significant private investment into nature projects.”
If you have any ideas for collaborating to improve the environmental sustainability of our planet, please get in touch! CRP Director Susannah Wilks, susannahwilks@crossriverpartnership.org