CRP’s Monitoring and Data Analysis Services
26th October 2021 / Posted by Ross PhillipsCRP is building on the success of its cross-project Vivacity monitoring programme by offering bespoke, value-for-money data analysis services to unlock the potential of your traffic monitoring data.
By providing in-depth analysis that is tailored to your needs, CRP can help to provide the proof of concept for local initiatives whilst enabling evidence-based decision making for both you and your stakeholders.
CRP has also developed new capabilities that compliment existing analysis provided by the service and can deliver tailored reports on the following activities:
- Active travel and traffic count analysis (e.g., pedestrians, cyclists, motorbikes, cars, vans, HGVs and buses)
- Granular level event analysis
- Movement / road user behaviour analysis (including social distancing)
- Speed reporting
- Turning count analysis
- Air quality impacts
As part of the Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) programme, CRP will also be supporting The Fitzrovia Partnership with monitoring and data analysis by looking at the impact of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone expansion on vehicle movements along streets in the BID area.
Please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull if you are interested in CRP supporting your evidenced-based decision-making with detailed data analysis services.