CRP’s City Vision: Monitoring & Data Analysis Service
25th September 2023 / Posted by Ross PhillipsEvidence has become critical to create healthy streets and neighbourhoods.
Cross River Partnership‘s (CRP) insightful traffic and active travel reporting can support Local Authorities, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and landowners with evidence of how spaces, streets and neighbourhoods are used.
We measure and analyse movement and dwelling data at various scales to create clear and insightful reports. Our findings can provide the proof of concept to create long-term sustainable change in the public realm.
CRP have partnered with Vivacity Labs to use their artificial intelligence sensors to provide insights and reporting into:
- Active travel and traffic count analysis that measures all vehicle classes
- Movement and directionality mapping, modelling and visualisation
- Air quality and emissions modelling
- Speed and road safety evidence
- Public realm and behaviour analysis
Visit our Monitoring and Data Analysis Service page to find out more!
For more information about this service, please email CRP Sustainable Transport Manager Ross Phillips rossphillips@crossriverpartnership.org