CRP’s Board Meeting

6th October 2020 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

On 24th September 2020, CRP held its twice yearly Board meeting on a virtual basis, ably Chaired by Simon Pitkeathley of Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town BIDs, and Councillor Wendy Hyde of the City of London Corporation.

The meeting was attended by representatives from 22 different London public, private and community sector organisations, including CRP’s newest BID member, Midtown BID. The Board made a number of key decisions to support CRP moving forwards over the next six months and beyond:

  1. CRP to commission a study to complement the Mayor of London’s study, to define collaborative, clear and complementary post-Covid roles (and how to achieve them) for the different parts of London – ‘central centre’ (Central Activity Zone – CAZ) and local centres across 10 central London boroughs, within a London-wide context.
  1. CRP to prepare and submit a collaborative bid to Defra’s 2021-2022 Air Quality grant, with Westminster City Council acting as lead partner on behalf of all the bid partners.
  1. CRP to continue with virtual working of the team and delivery of projects.

The meeting was a fantastic endorsement of all of the work that the CRP partners and team deliver together: “We can only achieve our ambitions if we all work together. CRP is a great partnership for ensuring this happens.” Councillor Heather Acton, Westminster City Council.

For further information about any strategic CRP matters, please don’t hesitate to contact CRP’s Director Susannah Wilks.