CRP Conversations: Transport Equity

10th October 2023 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP have been busily planning our next CRP Conversations for November! This hybrid event, focusing on Transport Equity, will take place 4pm – 5pm on Wednesday 29th November 2023 

Join Cross River Partnership (CRP) for CRP Conversations 6: Transport Equity. The event will explore different understandings and applications of equity in transport research, policy, and delivery. 

We will be joined by representatives from academia, policy development, and business: 

  • Dr Tom Cohen (Reader, Active Travel Academy) will present the ATA’s work around transport equity and the guidance produced to encourage local authorities to put equity principles into practice.   
  • Millie Mitchell (Senior Researcher, Centre For London) will present Centre for London’s recent project ‘Moving with the Times’, exploring how financial incentives can be designed to encourage sustainable transport choices effectively and fairly. 
  • Alper Muduroglu (Founder, Our Bike) will present the Our Bike scheme and how community bikeshare helps reduce barriers to accessing zero-emission freight. 

Following presentations and a Q&A, in person attendees can network at the Lord Mayor’s Parlour at Westminster City Hall where refreshments will be provided.  

We hope to see you there! 

Sign up to the event via Eventbrite.