CRP Board Meeting
25th May 2017 / Posted by CRP Team10th May 2017 was the most recent of CRP’s twice-yearly Board meetings of its 30 formal public and private sector partners, kindly hosted by the City of London Corporation at its magnificent Guildhall Art Gallery.
The meeting heard about upcoming funding opportunities from the GLA’s Senior Manager Jamie Izzard. CRP’s Brendon Harper launched the new CRP service deliverBEST to partners.
In terms of formal decisions made: 1. CRP to continue to resource communications functions internally. 2. Simon Pitkeathley to remain CRP Co-Chair until at least after the next CRP Board meeting on 10th October 2017. 3. CRP Annual Report and Business Plan 2016/17/18 approved.
The next CRP Board meeting will be hosted by Westminster City Council – many thanks to Councillor David Harvey for making the offer.
For any further information please contact CRP’s Susannah Wilks.