CRP is a Climate Emergency Champion!
15th August 2022 / Posted by CRP TeamCRP made a commitment in our Annual Report/Business Plan 2021/22/23 that we would continue to become climate emergency champions. Since we published the report in March, we’ve been working hard to achieve this goal and we have been using our Emissions Calculator to measure the impact of CRP’s projects.
By March, our Clean Air Villages 4 project had emissions savings of 275,212g of nitrogen oxides, 151,215kg of PM 2.5 and 109,450kg of CO2 by March and final calculations are currently underway for the end-of-project figures.
Some of the projects which have contributed towards reductions are the river freight pilot, which has replaced van journeys into Central London with boat trips for six weeks this summer. We have also introduced cargo bike schemes in 4 boroughs since May (London Borough of Brent, London Borough of Camden, London Borough of Lewisham, London Borough of Merton). For the Merton cargo bike scheme, the cargo bike made 569km of journeys which may otherwise have been made by petrol vehicles, and Elys, a business who used the cargo bike have now bought one of their own.
For more information, please contact CRP Project Officer Dave Ebbrell: davidebbrell@crossriverpartnership.org