Clean Air Villages 4 Steering Group Meeting
21st February 2022 / Posted by CRP TeamFor the third Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) quarterly steering group meeting, we were joined by 26 project partners, Defra and Beckett Rankine. CAV4 is funded by Defra’s Air Quality Grant, and we loved having them with us to meet the partners and to hear about how we run the project. Their input has been valuable in helping steer an idea for a freight-related website that the CRP team is plotting.
Beckett Rankine presented the findings of the Pier Adaption study for light freight on the Thames that we have commissioned, of which there was a great deal of interest from the CAV4 partners. This report will be published any day now – keep a look out for it!
The CRP team also gave updates on the five Freight Solutions (Consolidation, Distribution, Mode, Technology and Policy), which all have a multitude of interventions taking place, from a last mile logistics trial to consolidation schemes to cargo bike initiatives. We were able to share our latest case study about EV fleets too.
CAV4 will conclude in June 2022 and the team are working hard to deliver the remaining project outputs.
For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.