CRP’s Spotlight On: Hatton Garden BID
13th April 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamThis week’s Spotlight On is on CRP partner Hatton Garden BID. The BID’s aim is to support business growth and see Hatton Garden grow as a world-renowned business and visitor destination.
Recently, businesses have voted overwhelmingly in favour of renewing the Hatton Garden Business Improvement District (BID) for a second five year term.
The BID team, led by specialist regeneration consultancy Primera Corporation, will work with Camden Council and other partners to deliver the business plan that was published in advance of the ballot being held.
Hatton Garden is London’s historic jewellery district, home to the largest cluster of jewellery related businesses in the UK, and now also home to a growing number of businesses from other sectors wanting to locate in a bustling, thriving destination with a strong sense of identity. The BID will now be able to continue its work to enhance the area with a range of programmes – from street cleaning, ambassadors and greening, to destination marketing and public realm improvements. Approximately £2 million will be invested into the area over the next five years.
The BID’s second term comes at a pivotal point for London. With the economy beginning to open up once again, and businesses eager to stabilise and grow, the BID stands ready to support the Hatton Garden business community. The much delayed Elizabeth Line now looks finally close to opening, bringing an additional one and half million people to within 45 minutes of Hatton Garden.
There is growing acknowledgement that all areas in the capital are raising their game, no matter how well known or iconic. The drive to compete for the best talent, a rightful share of the tourist market and entice domestic visitors has never been more important.
Gary Williams, Chair of the Hatton Garden BID, said:
“Hatton Garden is already one of London’s great districts, with a diverse business mix, wonderful character, unique venues and ideally located, but it has the potential to be even better. We live in uncertain times, but through the careful curation of the area over the last five years and in our second term, we are on a mission to ensure Hatton Garden benefits from the renaissance of London in the coming months and years.”