Places for All
16th March 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamThis week we have launched our Places For All social media campaign! Each day we will be communicating the benefits of Low Traffic Schemes, de-bunking popular myths, and giving people a platform to share their positive stories using #OurHealthyStreets.
Low Traffic Schemes, such as LTNs, have existed since the 1970’s, however the number have dramatically increased since March 2020 as part of TfL’s Streetspace for London’s temporary measures to create more space for walking and cycling to allow people to travel safely during the pandemic.
Have you benefitted from a Low Traffic Scheme in your community? Share your experiences using #OurHealthyStreets. It’s time to spread the word!
Due to the short time in which funding was available for Local Authorities to set up and implement these LTN schemes across London in 2020, their initial roll out has triggered mixed feedback from residents and businesses. However of a poll of 2,000 Londoners surveyed last year, 1/3 of respondents (33%) said they support the introduction of LTNs and a further 19% said they “strongly support” them.
Places For All will showcase the many benefits of Low Traffic Schemes, from improving air quality and promoting active travel to decreasing noise pollution and making streets safer and more accessible for all to enjoy.