Lunchtime Gardening
11th December 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamCRP are delighted to support one of our partner BIDs The Northbank while we are resident in their area. They recently hosted a drop-in gardening event in partnership with Westminster City Council, encouraging workers in the area to take some time over their lunch breaks to plant some bulbs for all to enjoy in the spring. Stress accounted for 45% of all working days lost in 2016, and gardening has been to shown to help boost wellbeing, brain function and productivity as well as reducing stress and anxiety. CRP recognises the business benefits of employers providing working environments that support staff wellbeing, for example publishing a toolkit for Family Friendly Employment.
Deliver London’s Tom went to check out the latest event in Temple Gardens and is looking forward to seeing a flash of colour emerge in the spring.
There are plans for more regular events to commence in the spring. For more information contact Tom Linton-Smith.