Community Green Street 22nd Sept 2017
18th September 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamCross River Partnership will be coordinating a Community Green Street on 22nd September on Luxborough Street in the Marylebone Low Emission Neighbourhood(LEN) to align with World Car Free Day.
The street will be turned into a green street from 3pm – 6pm by Marylebone LEN partners, complete with parklets, trees, electric bikes and a pop-up gym. There will be planters available for visitors to plant some air quality friendly plants, with some games for entertainment. There will also be the chance to learn more about what a Low Emission Neighbourhood is and the plans for Marylebone.
CRP is promoting World Car Free Day 2017 (WCFD) as an opportunity for all our partners to showcase some of the innovate projects and interventions taking place to encourage more walking, cycling, public transport, and consolidated deliveries, with the goal of improving air quality in central London and making our streets healthier.
If you are in the area, do pop along to the Community Green Street on Luxborough Street and enjoy the activities taking place.
For more information contact Andy Martin