CRP 1 year on…
19th July 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamAfter almost a year away, it has been great to return to work and observe the changes that have occurred:
- CRP’s profile has increased along with the exciting range of projects that are being delivered on behalf of our partners. I have seen updates on Twitter, statements in the Evening standard, interviews on London Live, to name a few.
- The CRP team has expanded, with an organic shift into two key programmes under which the projects fall; Deliver London and Recruit London.
- There has been a concerted push to utilise the specialisms within the team and offer ever better value to our partners in terms of consultancy style work.
All this clearly demonstrates that CRP is living its mission statement of ‘Delivering London’s Future Together’.
I look forward to continuing to work with CRP partners.
For more information contact CRP’s Uto Patrick