West End Partnership Delivery & Servicing Group

19th July 2017 / Posted by CRP Team


CRP chaired the fourth meeting of the West End Partnership (WEP) Delivery & Servicing Group on 3rd July.  It was a really useful meeting, where public, private and community partners heard about how deliveries impact upon residents from David Kaner of the West End Community Network.  We also reflected upon the results of CRP Oxford Street West studies on deliveries and servicing to businesses.


Going forward, the group will be supporting the implementation and scale up of delivery and servicing interventions in the West End.  The group is formed of participants from the following organisations:


Baker Street Quarter Partnership

Cross River Partnership


Freight Transport Association

Gnewt Cargo

Greater London Authority

Heart of London Business Alliance

John Lewis

London Borough of Camden

Marble Arch London

New West End Company

Northbank BID

The Crown Estate

The Fitzrovia Partnership

Transport for London

Victoria BID

West End Community Network

West End Partnership

Westminster City Council


For enquiries about the group please contact Vicky Keeble vickykeeble@crossriverpartnership.org