Planning for London Programme

17th July 2023 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP is pleased to contribute to one of the Planning for London stakeholder events that the GLA is running at London City Hall.

The Planning for London Programme has been set up to gather evidence, get the views of Londoners and others, and identify issues and options that a future review of the London Plan could consider. It will bring together and report the findings, but it will not set out what a future London Plan will look like or include. These findings will help inform a new or updated Plan after the end of this Mayoral term.

The stakeholder events are just the beginning of the conversation – there will be other opportunities to participate in the programme.

Discussion Topics include:

  • Climate change
  • Infrastructure
  • Design and London’s form
  • Housing
  • Economy
  • Growth patterns

To find out more about this programme please visit

Please contact if you have any questions.